Center of Hope Draws Closer to Completion

Cathy Wallick, who helped to organize the event, reports that a check for $45,000 has been sent to ICDM for completion of the Center of Hope in Bayonnais . Hearts for Haiti is also planning future fund-raising events for ICDM.
In addition, Wallick and her husband, Brad, have garnered donations to send two school buses, a dump truck, a generator, a welder, a freezer, 200 sheets of plywood and 500 2x4s to Haiti. One bus has been converted to a 16-passenger vehicle with a truck bed for hauling cargo. Both buses are fully loaded with food, school supplies, books, medical supplies and building supplies and ready for shipment from Florida to the Haitian port of Gonaives.
Additionally, the Wallicks are organizing construction teams from Pennsylvania to help with the hands-on work of completing the Center of Hope this fall.
“I am hoping we will have the building completed and ready to dedicate in January of 2012,” says Yvan Pierre.
Until then, the 600+ students of ICDM’s school at Bayonnais will continue to meet under the trees and in temporary palm-mat shelters. In addition to funds on hand, another $50,000 is needed to complete construction and furnish classrooms and health clinic.
“I am hoping we will have the building completed and ready to dedicate in January of 2012,” says Yvan Pierre.
Until then, the 600+ students of ICDM’s school at Bayonnais will continue to meet under the trees and in temporary palm-mat shelters. In addition to funds on hand, another $50,000 is needed to complete construction and furnish classrooms and health clinic.