News & Updates

Catch up on everything from recent building updates to local
upcoming events and exciting news from ICDM Haiti and beyond.

ICDM: August 2021 Update


Dear friend of ICDM, I want to begin this August update by thanking you for your generosity. When I last wrote to you about the assassination of Haiti’s President, Jovenel Moise, you responded by giving over $10,000 in extra-mile giving to help ICDM help people through the crisis. I continue to be humbled by your faithfulness. While things have settled a bit politically, Haiti is still facing one of its greatest economic crises in recent years, with many essential items being hard to find. ICDM is doing its best to help people in the midst of this crisis, but we have not taken our eyes off the long-term goals of evangelizing, educating, equipping, and empowering the people of Haiti and the Dominican Republic. Let me share with you some of our most recent progress towards these goals. Evangelizing.…

ICDM: Summer 2021 Update


Dear friends of ICDM,By now most of you have heard the news of the assassination of Haiti's President, Jovenal Moise. Obviously this is disruptive for our brothers and sisters in Haiti, though thus far…

ICDM: Easter Update 2021


Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, In a few days we will be remembering the great sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the Cross and the tremendous victory of his resurrection. Through the events of Holy Week,…

ICDM: Not Too Late to Make a Difference


Dear friends of ICDM, There is still time to make a difference in the lives of the people of Haiti! With the calendar year drawing to a close, I want to remind you to make your gift to ICDM by December…