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Mission Team Dates Announced

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Orlando FL – ICDM director Yvan Pierre will be in Haiti July 13-31 working with field leadership and U.S. teams. A team from Lexington KY is already on site teaching English in Bayonnais.Clean water for Bayonnais is the focus of a team from Kentucky that also left for Haiti July 13. Their mission: to drill a well and install a purification system to provide safe, clean water for the people of Bayonnais. Though water scooped from streams and pools may look clean, it may be teeming with disease-causing organisms. With the recent outbreaks of cholera, the importance of safe drinking water is receiving new emphasis throughout Haiti.Kentucky team members will also work on Center of Hope construction. Center of Hope Construction teams are being organized throughout the fall months, with the goal…

Help for Haiti

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A converted warehouse in downtown Lexington KY was the setting for a $100-a-plate benefit dinner on May 19 to help the people of Bayonnais, Haiti. Proceeds from the festive event will fund a water project…