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ICDM: End of Year Letter

Dear friends of ICDM,
As 2024 draws to a close, I have been thinking back over the 35 years of ICDM’s existence and remembering why we do what we do: to make the name of Jesus way more famous and to change lives. Many names and faces come to mind but in recent years I have reconnected with one of those lives through our ministry in the Dominican Republic.
His name is Gislet Gedeus and he serves as pastor of the church he planted near Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. He supports his ministry by working in management in the computer science field. He is helping to change lives just as his life was changed through ICDM’s Henri Christophe School in Bayonnais, Haiti. While attending the school the seeds of spiritual transformation and educational excellence were planted in Gislet’s life. A later encounter with Christ led him into ministry and today he and his wife, Ceranie, are making the name of Jesus way more famous in a place miles away from Bayonnais where it all began. Recently, Gislet completed the circle of giving by leading his Dominican church on a mission trip to the children of Bayonnais, Haiti.
Pastor Gedeus and his family
Some of the Haitian children served by Pastor Gedeus’ Church
I could mention many more ICDM students who have gone on to pastors, doctors, educators, and diplomats. Each in their own sphere of influence is making a difference for Jesus and for people throughout the island of Hispanola and beyond.
The past 35 years have not always been easy. We have had to contend with earthquakes, hurricanes, political unrest, rampant inflation and other hardships. But God in his mercy has seen us through each of these challenges and allowed us to continue transforming lives and building hope.
You, too, have been a part of this movement of hope and I thank you for your prayers, your trips to work with us, and your financial support. I want you to know you have made a difference in countless lives.
As we enter 2025, I ask you to consider making a special investment in transforming lives through the ministry of ICDM. Many times, appeals for help from Haiti focus on sad stories about the poor and displaced people of the land. I am asking you to make an investment in the transformation of lives and in the building of hope. While it is true that Haiti as a nation has experienced extra stress over the last couple of years, the school Gislet attended many years ago is still going strong and hasn’t missed a day of being open, even when government schools have shut down. Pastors continue to be trained through our Schools of evangelism to bring quality revival to the communities where they live. We continue to offer hope even in desperate times.
School is still going strong in Bayonnais.
Specifically, I would ask you to consider:
  • Sponsoring a child’s education at $40 per month.
  • Helping to feed our students a hot, nutritious lunch each day to aid them in their learning. $75 will feed 100 students, or you can feed the whole school for a day for $600.
  • Making a donation to our medical clinic.
  • Giving a one-time gift to help launch us into the next 35 years of ministry.
You can make your gift by visiting this page ( on our website or by mailing a check to:
P.O. Box 762 
Intercession City, FL 33848
Your gift in whatever amount will help launch the next Gislet on his or her journey of impacting our world.
Yvan Pierre
Founder and Director of ICDM