Center Of Hope
The Center of Hope is the main building on ICDM’s Bayonnais Campus. It houses the school of 800+ children, the local church, training programs for local entrepreneurs, senior ministry, and conferences from all over Haiti.
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Begun in the early 2000’s, the Center of Hope has been built entirely by hand without the benefit of heavy equipment. As with all of our buildings, each floor has been build with accumulated funds (no loans), one floor at a time.
They have pitched in with shovels, hoes and enthusiasm to make it happen without heavy equipment or power tools, every step of the construction process demanded backbreaking, hard labor. The women carried heavy rocks on their heads from the riverbed. The men mixed cement by hand and carried it by bucketfuls to pour the foundation, floors and stairs. Despite the exhausting, sweaty work, the people labored happily. They knew the tremendous value of their work and wanted to help bring new life to their community. Singing and laughter rang through the trees as their shared dream took shape and slowly became a reality.
The first floor was completed in 2008, then Hurricane Gustav came along and cause some damage before we could proceed to the second floor. The 2010 Earthquake did not affect Bayonnais directly, but it disrupted things throughout Haiti. Many of our families were directly impacted. Nevertheless, people persevered. The second floor was finished in 2012, and the third and final floor is nearing completion now. As part of the innovative processes of ICDM, the Center of Hope will be solar powered upon its completion.
The Center of Hope is filled with hope, not just for the ministries that unfold there, but because it has been a community effort with laborer coming from the local community, from different parts of Haiti, and from the US. Indeed, this has been a community project which will bless people for years to come. Besides classrooms, it has two large meeting rooms and accommodations for out- of-town visitors.
A big thanks to all our contributors!
Building Plans
As we watched the Center of Hope take shape through the hard work and support of those involved, it was exciting to be reminded of what we are striving towards.
We hope these plans and 3D model will help serve as an encouraging vision of the work that has already been done. Your generous donations helped turn this project into reality.

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