Although ICDM’s base is in Bayonnais, Haiti, our vision is to multiply our effectiveness throughout Haiti and the Dominican Republic. We do this by training Christian workers from different communities to be evangelists and social entrepreneurs in their hometowns and villages.
The tools we use to equip leaders throughout Haiti are:
Portable Bible Schools.
Portable Bible Schools are equipping and empowering current and future leaders to minister more effectively in the places where God has called them to serve. Portable Bible Schools provide training close to home for men and women who have heard the call of Jesus Christ to serve in their churches and communities. Instruction covers 200 lessons on Bible doctrine, homiletics, and living a holy life. Up to this point in time, some 5000 students have participated in our Portable Bible School training. Amazing ministries are springing up as a result of Portable Bible Schools. See a story of transformation here.

Schools of Evangelism. Schools of Evangelism began in the fall of 2006 in Port-au-Prince. The intensive nine-month course was the first school of its kind in Haiti. That initial class graduated 11 leaders trained as specialists in biblical evangelism – and generated so much enthusiasm that a second SOE opened in Cap-Haitien in 2009. After the 2010 earthquake destroyed the SOE facility in Port-au-Prince, the students completed the school year in a tent and in the open air. SOE’s currently are taught in various regions throughout Haiti. Coursework includes methods of sharing the gospel, developing a strategy for a national movement of evangelism, and supervised practical field experiences in social and economic development. As of August 2021, 3000 students have graduated from Schools of Evangelism. A life change for you to view here.
Women’s Conferences. ICDM's first Port-au-Prince Women's Conference took place in January of 2008, with the theme "You Are Witnesses." Women received specific training in methods of evangelism (Wordless Book, Roman Road, etc.), along with inspiration from Thelma Braun from the book of Philippians. Trainees were urged to set specific goals for witnessing and to report their progress after two months. Fellowship and encouragement was a very positive experience for ladies who often lead ministries in relative isolation. Since then, women’s conferences have met every few months. It is estimated that over 3000 throughout Haiti and the Dominican Republic have attended a Woman’s Conference.

Annual leadership Conference. This annual conference gathers top Christian leaders from across Haiti and the Dominican Republic for a week of Bible teaching, leadership training, and entrepreneurial development. Participants are encouraged to bring their visions before seasoned leaders for encouragement and critique (a la Shark Tank). Leaders may also receive practical instruction in how to develop streams of income.
The Center of Hope. While some of our training takes place onsite in different communities, a lot still takes place on the Center of Hope in Bayonnais. This three-story conference center houses the school, the local church, and various training programs. It features accommodations for visiting students as well as several large conference rooms and classrooms. For more information about the Center of Hope, click here.