Throughout the centuries, a people’s progress has rested on the education of its children. With this understanding, ICDM began educating the children of Bayonnais, Haiti a few at a time under a mango tree. That was 30 years ago. Today, we are privileged to educate over 800 children per year in our Pre-K— 11th grade school. In the intervening years, our school has produced doctors, lawyers, nurses, teachers and other professionals as well as educated farmers and trades people. By changing individual lives, we are helping to change nations.
You can help us make a difference in children’s lives by:
Sponsoring a Child- For just $40 a month (a little over $1 per day) you can help transform a child’s future by providing them with instruction, uniforms, and school supplies. A small investment yields great returns. To sponsor a child, sign up here.
Feeding a School. It is difficult to learn on an empty stomach. That is why we try to provide a hot, nutritious lunch for our students every school day. For some, it is the main or only meal of their day. You can be part of our “full stomach, full mind” feeding program by clicking here.